Monday, December 6, 2010

PSC finally starts asking questions! Hearing today. 1:30 at PSC

When Pepco failed to respond to the issues raised by the Mt. Pleasant Solar Coop during the October 27, 2010 smart meter hearing, the DC Public Service Commission initiated an informal inquiry into Pepco’s net metering practices. MTP Solar has complained that their members are not getting proper Net meters, that there are still problems with billing, that the new smart meters are not two-way capable unless specially re-programmed, and that Pepco's new variable pricing proposals do not explain how they will work for solar producers.

During the inquiry, Pepco conceded to the Commission that “some problems are not simply isolated instances.” Order No. 16073, Formal Case No. 945, In The Matter Of The Investigation Into Electric Service Market Competition And Regulatory Practices (Dec. 1, 2010) (“Order”) at P. 3. As a result, on December 1, 2010, the DC Public Service Commission issued an Order in Formal Case No. 945 directing Pepco to appear at a net metering status conference at the Commission on Monday, December 6, 2010 at 1:30 PM.

The Commission scheduled the status conference to “ascertain the full nature and extent of the problems Pepco is experiencing as well as Pepco’s plan for correcting them.” The Commission directed Pepco to be prepared to identify a number of particular statistics as well as Pepco’s determinations regarding the causes of the problems, its efforts to rectify the problem going forward, and its “plan to make whole those customers whose meters incorrectly recorded generation and usage information.” Moreover, the Commission took this opportunity to also address the new smart meters, which will have the capability to function as net meters. As such, the Commission also directed Pepco to be prepared to discuss its plans for installing new smart meters and the anticipated interruption customers will face, its plans for proper accounting of customers’ generation and usage information in the event of a delay during the transition, and its ability to provide smart meters to all new interconnection customers who are eligible to participate in net metering with new smart meters.

I will be at the hearing and report back later.

Anya Schoolman

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

DC SUN Fights to Defend DC Solar Program

Yesterday, representatives from Mt Pleasant Solar Coop, Capital Hill Solar Coop, Ward 8 Solar Coop, Solar Solutions and Solar City installation companies testified on the need not to cut the solar rebate REIP budget. We emphasized that the rebate program is designed to build a market—and that it is working! Atta Kiarash from Solar Solutions emphasized that the sales tax his company alone pays on solar sales in DC is half the value of the proposed cut! Not to mention the income tax paid by his employees and all the other expenditures. We made a strong point that cutting the fund would be short sighted and ultimately make DC’s budget problems and employment problmes worse. We argued that it is wrong to cut the budget now—just when the program is finally up and running! We also reminded Mayor Elect Grey that he campaigned on the idea that special purpose funds such as the Sustainable Energy Trust Fund- should not be raided for general expenses. The trust fund comes from a surcharge on our Pepco bills and should be off limits. To raid this money is a violation of public trust and it fundamentally undermines the public’s willingness to support special purpose fees in the future. Grey and other members of the Council present including Graham, Cheh, Wells and Bowser appeared to be sympathetic but made no commitments.
They expect to make a decision about the budget by Tuesday. Letters, emails and calls would be helpful.
