Thursday, April 7, 2011

Public Service Commission seeks comments on utility billing statements

The Office of People's Council circulated this consumer alert on proposed changes to pepco billing statements.  Those of you with solar are aware that it is very difficult to understand how much power you are being credited for during a given billing cycle.  If you have ideas on how pepco's billing statement could be improved, please see the info below on how to comment.  The initial proposals floated by the PSC don't seem to deal with improving bill readability for solar producers.  If you want others to see your comments, please feel free to post them below in the comments box, or on the DCSUN listserve (  In case the link below doesn't work, you can also click HERE.

- Mike


1133 15th Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC  20005
Phone:  202.727.3071; Fax: 202.727.1014; TTY/TDD: 202.727.2876

Brenda K. Pennington, Interim People's Counsel
Consumer Alert
April 4, 2011

Dear Consumers,

The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia wants to hear from you! The DC PSC would like to hear from residential ratepayers regarding your concerns about understanding your utility bills.  The Commission has made a number of proposals regarding new, revised and additional information to all D.C. consumers' monthly bills from PEPCO and Washington Gas.  

Please follow the link provided to view all of DC PSC's proposed bill changes. All comments regarding the proposed bill changes should be submitted the following address:

Public Service Commission for the District of Columbia
Office of the Secretary
1333 H Street, NW, Second Floor
Washington, DC 20001

Initial comments of the DC PSC's proposed revisions to monthly utility bills are due by April 25, 2011.


  1. Normal solar power may be affected by weather conditions. But Space Solar power is the appropriate solution to get energy from solar.
    solar power

  2. Take a glance at your last electric bill. Somewhere on it you ought to be able to finding your average every day kW-hrs used that month. In the event you have a traditional, all electric home, it will probably be something like 50 kW-hrs or more per day. Building a solar electric process to feed an appetite like that is probably financially prohibitive for most of us.
    solar power

