Monday, December 6, 2010

PSC finally starts asking questions! Hearing today. 1:30 at PSC

When Pepco failed to respond to the issues raised by the Mt. Pleasant Solar Coop during the October 27, 2010 smart meter hearing, the DC Public Service Commission initiated an informal inquiry into Pepco’s net metering practices. MTP Solar has complained that their members are not getting proper Net meters, that there are still problems with billing, that the new smart meters are not two-way capable unless specially re-programmed, and that Pepco's new variable pricing proposals do not explain how they will work for solar producers.

During the inquiry, Pepco conceded to the Commission that “some problems are not simply isolated instances.” Order No. 16073, Formal Case No. 945, In The Matter Of The Investigation Into Electric Service Market Competition And Regulatory Practices (Dec. 1, 2010) (“Order”) at P. 3. As a result, on December 1, 2010, the DC Public Service Commission issued an Order in Formal Case No. 945 directing Pepco to appear at a net metering status conference at the Commission on Monday, December 6, 2010 at 1:30 PM.

The Commission scheduled the status conference to “ascertain the full nature and extent of the problems Pepco is experiencing as well as Pepco’s plan for correcting them.” The Commission directed Pepco to be prepared to identify a number of particular statistics as well as Pepco’s determinations regarding the causes of the problems, its efforts to rectify the problem going forward, and its “plan to make whole those customers whose meters incorrectly recorded generation and usage information.” Moreover, the Commission took this opportunity to also address the new smart meters, which will have the capability to function as net meters. As such, the Commission also directed Pepco to be prepared to discuss its plans for installing new smart meters and the anticipated interruption customers will face, its plans for proper accounting of customers’ generation and usage information in the event of a delay during the transition, and its ability to provide smart meters to all new interconnection customers who are eligible to participate in net metering with new smart meters.

I will be at the hearing and report back later.

Anya Schoolman

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

DC SUN Fights to Defend DC Solar Program

Yesterday, representatives from Mt Pleasant Solar Coop, Capital Hill Solar Coop, Ward 8 Solar Coop, Solar Solutions and Solar City installation companies testified on the need not to cut the solar rebate REIP budget. We emphasized that the rebate program is designed to build a market—and that it is working! Atta Kiarash from Solar Solutions emphasized that the sales tax his company alone pays on solar sales in DC is half the value of the proposed cut! Not to mention the income tax paid by his employees and all the other expenditures. We made a strong point that cutting the fund would be short sighted and ultimately make DC’s budget problems and employment problmes worse. We argued that it is wrong to cut the budget now—just when the program is finally up and running! We also reminded Mayor Elect Grey that he campaigned on the idea that special purpose funds such as the Sustainable Energy Trust Fund- should not be raided for general expenses. The trust fund comes from a surcharge on our Pepco bills and should be off limits. To raid this money is a violation of public trust and it fundamentally undermines the public’s willingness to support special purpose fees in the future. Grey and other members of the Council present including Graham, Cheh, Wells and Bowser appeared to be sympathetic but made no commitments.
They expect to make a decision about the budget by Tuesday. Letters, emails and calls would be helpful.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Solar Rebate Funding Under Attack Again

The Mayor's recent budget included several reductions for DDOE.  Although the Solar Rebates are paid for through utility rate payer assessments, it appears that the Mayor believes these funds can be used to balance the budget.  So, it is possible that more than $700K will be taken out of the fund that supplies solar rebates.  Attached is an analysis of what is happening.  Tomorrow morning, the Council will be taking public testimony on the Mayor's proposed budget cuts.  There are four items that the Council needs to look at:

1. Ensure that the $800K in unspent 2010 funding be rolled to 2011.
2. Identify where the missing $240K from 2009 went, and roll it back into the 2011 pot (notice that the 2009 funded and the 2010 rollover do not equal $2 million).
3. Ensure that the Mayor's request to decrease the 2011 funding by about $700K is not implemented.
4. Identify a path forward for people that will miss out on this great program (legislation to update the REIP beyond 2012 and offer grants for projects that will be wait listed)

Click Here for Full Analysis of REIP Spending and Funding Availability

Hearing Info


NOVEMBER 30, 2010, 9:30 A.M.




Council Chairman Vincent C. Gray announces a public hearing by the Committee of the Whole on B18-1101, the “Fiscal Year 2011 Revised Budget Request Act of 2010”, and B18-1100, the “Fiscal Year 2011 Supplemental Budget Support Act of 2010” on Tuesday, November 30, 2010, at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chamber, Room 500 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.  At this hearing, the public will have an opportunity to testify on the gap-closing plans.  Immediately following public testimony, the Executive and the Chief Financial Officer will brief the public and the Council on their proposals to close the Fiscal Year 2011 budget gap.  An abbreviated notice is given to comply with Council Rule 501(a)(2).

To testify at the public hearing, please contact Maria Villars, Administrative Assistant in the Office of the Budget Director, by telephone at (202) 724-8139 or by e-mail at, and furnish your name, address, telephone number and organizational affiliation, if any, by the close of business on Monday, November 29, 2010. Witnesses should bring 20 copies of their written testimony to the roundtable or submit one advance copy of their written testimony by close of business on November 29, 2010.  Persons presenting oral testimony may be limited to 3 minutes in order to permit each witness an opportunity to be heard. Written statements are encouraged and will be made a part of the official record in their entirety. All statements should be submitted to the Office of the Budget Director, Council of the District of Columbia, John A. Wilson Building, Suite 508, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004.

Monday, November 1, 2010

MTP Solar Invites Obama's to Join MTP Solar Coop

Solar D.C.'s newest power couple

By Anya Schoolman and Jefferson Morley

Dear President and Mrs. Obama:

Now that it has been announced that solar panels will soon return to the roof of the White House, we write to welcome you to the ranks of solar homes in Washington. You are just the latest of the more than 100 D.C. families that have gone solar this year. On behalf of the Mount Pleasant Solar Coop, we invite you to join our group or one of the other 11 other solar cooperatives that have formed across the city.

There are good reasons to join. We know that going solar can be a bit confusing. We are a group of about 300 families living in Mount Pleasant, just a mile and half straight up 16th Street from your house. Seventy of our members have already done what you are doing now.

We find that those in our member families usually become energy-literate -- all of them, no matter their age. Not only will Sasha and Malia start turning out the lights, they may have some energy-saving tips for their carbon-dependent parents. Listen to them.

As co-op members, you'll have a circle of neighbors who can give useful -- and free -- advice about how to get the best solar service. You will also learn about the challenges facing all solar homeowners in the city, from Petworth to Palisades to Anacostia to Columbia Heights. Here are a few that are likely to be at the top of the list:

Net metering. Once 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. becomes partly solar-powered, your house will be "tied to the grid." That means when the sun is shining, you will use the power you get from your panels. When it isn't, you will draw all your power from the regional grid. Because you live in the District, your house will have net metering. For every kilowatt hour of electricity you produce, you will get a 1-to-1 credit on your Pepco bill.

What's not so good is this: If your house were to reach the point that it produced more solar than it used, your power turns into a gift to Pepco. That's right. Your excess solar power flows into the grid, and Pepco will sell it for its own profit. At least that is how the rules are written right now. We need to change that.

Your new meter. As a solar home, you will get a two-way meter for your photovoltaic system. Our advice: Expect problems. Some of our members have had to wait weeks, even months, simply to get the meter installed.

Make sure your smart meter really is smart. Since you are the first family, Pepco might install a brand-new "smart meter" at the White House. That sounds good, but Pepco tells us that the new smart meters won't work with solar power unless they get a special chip inserted and are reprogrammed. Based on our experience with net meters, we are pretty skeptical that this is going to be easy. If you get a smart meter, please let us know if it is smart enough for solar.

One more benefit. You should know about solar renewable energy credits, also known as SRECs. They can put money in your pocket (or money in the kids' college savings account). Here's how:

In 2005, the D.C. Council passed a law requiring that Pepco obtain 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020. To meet the standard, Pepco buys credits for the production of renewable energy from solar homes like yours. The prices that utility companies are willing to pay for SRECs go up and down as the rules and markets change. Right now D.C.'s SREC prices are dropping, which is a real problem for solar owners.

The solution, we think, is to establish a national renewable portfolio standard that will ensure a stable SREC market all over the country. It's a complicated issue, and we welcome your thoughts.

So congratulations on your new panels. We think you will discover that going solar is the beginning and not the end of the process. Joining a solar co-op makes it easier and more fun. Sign up today, and welcome!

Anya Schoolman and Jefferson Morley co-founded the Mount Pleasant Solar Coop in 2006. The authors can be reached at

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Are Smart Meters really Smart?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. District Bldg. Room 500

Councilwoman Muriel Bowser's Public Services Committee is holding a hearing on Deployment of the Smart Grid in the District of Columbia. This means the "Smart Meters" being installed by Pepco as the first step. We already know that these meters are not capable of NET metering of our electricity production without being individually re-programmed!. Given the multiple problems we are already having with NET meter installations, and Pepco billing, this is possibly our last best chance to bring our concerns forcefully before city authorities, Pepco, and the Public Service Commission.

Ms. Bowser may not be solar energy's best advocate on the Council, but her committee oversees utilities. We very seldom request that members of the solar cooperatives and solar installation owners join us in our efforts to see that our initiatives are protected and available for everyone in the city to take advantage of.

This is, however, an extremely important event. You need to join us in exposing the issues BEFORE the rollout of these meters gains too much momentum to change.

There are a number of key issues:
1. As renewable energy producers we are entitled to technology that provides data regarding production, not just consumption;
2. The public has no idea what this program is, and Pepco and the Public Service Commission need to honestly outreach for community involvement in the design of this program which will have long lasting effect on our lives;
3. The rollout of the meters should not proceed unless the equipment and the plan include renewable energy as a component.

Also, we need to educate CM Bowser on how broad and diverse the support for solar is in DC. We need her to join our vision of having solar affordable and accessible to all DC residents. We need CM Bowser to understand that solar and the green jobs that come with it are good for all the Wards in DC.

You can submit testimony to this hearing without having to sit and wait for your turn at the microphone to make your points. To submit statements without testifying you must submit copies to the Secretary to the Council, Cynthia Brock-Smith, she's in Room 5 on the Ground Floor of the District Building.

If you do want to make a statement please contact Davida Crockett of the Committee on Public Services and Consumer Affairs via email at or by phone at (202) 741-0898 by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 26.

If you do not have time to attend and make a statement, please make an effort stop by the hearing room and make as many people aware that you are a solar home owner and very concerned about your future as an enlightened member of the smart grid.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Solar Leasing in DC --and latest on Smart Meters.

Maggio Roofing is offering a new solar leasing program for those that do not have the cash to pay for the upfront changes of solar themselves. I haven't looked at the details yet, but there is a webinar next week if you are interested in learning more:
Event Name
Time to harness the power
DATE: October 26
TIME: 7pm
LOCATION: webinar
MORE: register at 301-891-1390

ALSO: Report from Tom Kelly who attended the recent PEPCO SMART GRID PRESENTATION

The meeting was well attended and the general public did manage to outnumber the Pepco-OPc staff in attendance. Pepco's presentation is pretty much the same as is on it's website regarding the rollout of the smart meters. (See MTP Solar website)

First question from the audience was about net metering, but not specifically whether the meters were net capable. We got a detailed explanation about what net meters did and a vague reference to programming the meters. I few questions later I forced a return to the question and it was confirmed that the meters they are installing will not perform the NET function. They will have to be physically programmed, probably by replacement of the motherboard, in order to perform the net function in addition to the normal data gathering info. If you presently have a net meter, you will receive a net-programmed meter. If you have not yet installed solar, you will get the average intelligence meter and have to have it reprogrammed for netting (Mensa version). We all know what this means in terms of delays.

After a number of questioners indicated some paranoia about Pepco controlling energy use and whether they would use it to screw customers, I remembered Lynn's comment that the smart grid/meter is not harmful. I pointed out that believing the meter would reduce utility costs required a major leap of faith to begin with, meters only measure, and that the pilot program indicated that the real stimulus for reduced usage, peak rate rebates, etc. was programmable thermostats and individual alerts calls. The Pepco people consistently refused to deal with this and any dynamic pricing, feed-in tariffs, etc., issues because it is the subject of the PSC filing.

I believe the PSC rejected the OPC's request to delay the rollout, The basic argument is that this project had to be done quickly to take advantage of the 50% funding from ARRA (stimulus), and that's just the way it is.

There will be a series of these things, and we absolutely must encourage other coops and coop members to keep the issue in their face on every occasion. OPC is supposed to have info on its website about the scheduling. We also must, absolutely must, be formally a party to the dynamic pricing case before the PSC.

Note: Present OPC is "acting" Her second, Lawrence Daniels, who was in charge of the event, at one point went into some detail about the existence of solar coops and basically about the inevitability of solar power generation sweeping the city. Pepco people with pained expressions nodding their heads.

Tom Kelly

Friday, October 15, 2010

Solar Happenings on Capitol Hill - Tour, Fair, and Completed Church Installation

We are gearing up for the big event tomorrow, the Capitol Hill Energy Cooperative's First Solar and Sustainable Homes Tour and Fair.  Chances are that you have seen our detailed invitation, but if not, please let me know and I will forward it to you.  You can reach me at, or there is lots of information at this LINK.

One of the most exciting aspects is that the Fair will be at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation.  We have helped the Church go solar.  In fact, a 17kW system is being installed as we speak.  The installation is done as a Power Purchase Agreement with Solar Solutions LLC.  Under this agreement, the church will save more than $100,000 over the life of the project.  Please check out these PHOTOS of the work in progress.  We will do tours of the rooftop during our Fair tomorrow (10am-2pm), in addition to opening up 12 of our 25 homes that have gone solar (Tour is 12-4).  

- Mike

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

DC Solar Program Ready to roll for FY 2011!!

Fiscal year 2011 has begun! We start out the year with a huge congratulations to the DC Energy Office for CRANKING though applications at a steady pace!!! Although the numbers are not yet finalized (and we will need to remain vigilant) it is looking like the solar rebate program will have about $2.8 million to distribute this year. For the first time, they are in position to actually start in the beginning of the fiscal year and get the grants out in a timely manner! So pass the word. This IS the year to go solar in DC. We may never have such a great combination of high incentives and low prices again.

For those of you that have been waiting for it. The word is that DDOE will be releasing guidelines to include solar thermal and geo-thermal in the rebate program within months maybe sooner! I will post when I hear hard deadlines or dates.

Who knows anything about geothermal? Can we do it one block at a time?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

DC Climate Plan-weak on solar

DC has just released its draft climate action plan. It is open for public comment until November 15th. The sections on solar are pretty thin. It would be great to collect your ideas on how to beef up the plan!

Let me know what you think! Will post more on this in the next few weeks!

Post here or email me at

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Solar Gardens in DC!

Last night at the Mayor's forum (Only Vince Grey showed up)--my apologies to those of you who expected both candidates to show up, I asked Vince Grey the following question--

The Mt Pleasant Solar Coop is pushing for affordable solar for every resident in Washington DC. We see it as a way to build great green jobs and business here in the District and a way to bring down our energy costs for the next 25 years. We are hoping to create a national model and forge a road to the clean energy economy.

A key next step is the creation of solar gardens—the idea is to pass a simple piece of legislation that would allow anyone in the City to own a grid tied solar panel—and get credit on their electric bill--even if the panel isn’t on their own roof! This would mean that anyone in DC could go solar, even if they lived in an apartment building or condo or public housing.

My question is: would you help us pass such legislation and support its implementation and What other ideas do you have to expand and support solar in DC?

Grey seemed open to the idea and asked to see a draft bill. Perhaps even more exciting was the number of people who have contacted me since to say--the want to help or tell me more.

Comments? Questions?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

DC Mayors Forum September 7th

Please join solar advocates from across DC for the DC Environmental Network's Mayoral Forum this coming September 7 @ 5:30 p.m. We are asking you to find time to participate, because both candidates have confirmed that they will attend.

Venue is Harriet's Restaurant (in the Harrington Hotel) at 436-11th Street, NW (11th Street, between Pennsylvania Avenue & E Street, NW, adjacent to METRO Center, Federal Triangle, Archives) and right on the S2, S4 Metrobus lines.


Below is a link for the event:

Our organizing means Mt. Pleasant will be joined by sister Coops from the Capitol Hill (Ward 6), Georgetown (Ward 2), Petworth (Ward 4), Shepherd Park (Ward 4), Palisades (Ward 3) and Ward 8/East of the Anacostia River Coops -- so we want our solar members to be well-represented in the audience.

As solar energy producers and proponents of renewable energy, we want Mayor Fenty to know we are NOT HAPPY about his unsuccessful bid to gut the renewable energy program, his appointment of an inexperienced person to the critical three member Public Service Commission and his general lack of support for solar.

We want all the candidates to make strong specific commitments to do better on solar and to see the solar coops as a real political force. We want all the candidates to understand that the best way to develop GOOD green jobs in DC is by promoting solar.

Strength is in numbers. Please attend. Please be vocal about your support for solar and please ask a question about solar. Remember, we pay for the solar program through a surcharge on our electric bill! The mayor should not have the right to divert those funds to other uses!

Please Register to attend the event today. Invite your friends.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

$1.4 million Released to DC Solar Rebate Program

I am not sure how many of you followed this issue last year. But in the first year of the DC solar rebate program only $600k of the $2 million allocated to the program actually got spent. After a long fight, we got the DC Council to put the unspent money into this years budget. Boy.. it wasn't easy...Hearings, calls, emails. We made a big fuss. After that great VICTORY.. It took until last Friday to actually get the money deposited into the DDOE account!!!! This is good news, but also miserably bad news. Because it means we have six weeks or LESS to get that money out to people who want to go solar!!

The unspent $1.4 million dollars for the DC Solar Rebate program was finally released into the program on Friday. That means the program suddenly has an extra $1.4 million to spend before the end of the fiscal year on October 1.

You should know, however, that last year, they closed down the program well before October 1st to reconcile accounts. So it may be even less than six weeks of time available.

If the money if NOT spent, It is likely that we will have to go BACK to the counsel to get the money re-re allocated to the program. There will be a lot of pressure to take that money and fill in gaps in other parts of the budget. I know this is a very very short time frame, and a horrible time of year. However, we need to try to spend as much of that money as possible. And we need to get as many names on the waiting list as possible in order to demonstrate a demand for the program..

IF YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO IS THINKING ABOUT GOING SOLAR--TELL THEM THIS IS THE TIME. wITH ALL THE REBATES THE SYSTEMS ARE COMING OUT CLOSE TO FREE! If people move quickly they will definitely get a rebate in the next few weeks!. Next year who knows.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Citi Paper Covers Problems with Pepco

Many of us who have gone solar--have problems with Pepco. The NET meters won't come. The NET meters are broken. The bills are incorrect. Would be interested in collecting feedback from others experiences good and bad.

We are also gearing up for another round of engagement with Pepco and the PSC on net-metering. Did you know that until recently Pepco charged you transmission charges for the power you produced? As we move to variable/peak pricing we need to make sure the new netmetering system is fair to solar homeowners.

We need to build a small group to work on the issue. ANY VOLUNTEERS?? Email me a

Anya Schoolman/Mt Pleasant Solar Coop

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mt Top Coal Removal-This is one of the BIG reasons why many of us go solar!

It would be cool if someone wanted to organize a big solar power contingent to this event.!


Washington D.C. September 25-27th, 2010

Appalachia Rising, which will take place on September, 25 to 27, 2010 in Washington, DC, is a national response to the destruction and poisoning of communities through mountaintop removal coal mining. It follows a long history of social action for a just and sustainable Appalachia, coming directly out of the work of organizations in coalfield states. It unites coalfield residents and organizations with national allies from all walks of life.

Appalachia Rising has two components: the conference, called Voices from the Mountains, and Monday’s day of action. Appalachia Rising: Voices from the Mountains is a chance to build or join the movement for justice in Appalachia through strategy discussions and share knowledge across regional and generational lines. The Day of Action will unify thousands in calling for an end to mountaintop removal strip mining in Appalachia though a vibrant march, rally, and dignified non-violent civil disobedience for those who choose.
Join us today, and stand in solidarity with the people of the coalfields, who won’t stand idly by as their land and health is blasted away.

We invite all who share our vision to join with us on September 27, 2010 in our nation’s capitol for an end to mountaintop removal, surface mining, and a renewed vision of Appalachia.

Voices from the Mountains
Appalachia Rising: Voices from the Mountains, on Saturday and Sunday, September 25 and 26, will bring the mountaintop removal abolition and national sustainability movements together in critical cross-movement and inter-region dialog and strategy sessions to seed new collaboration. It will also include grassroots organizing workshops, rousing speakers, and cultural events.

Day of Action
The Appalachia Rising Day of Action on Monday, September 27, will culminate at the Environmental Protection Agency D.C. headquarters. All participants will march and rally as they call for the total abolition of mountaintop removal coal mining and strip mining in Appalachia. Event organizers say that individuals who choose to do so will engage in dignified, non-violent civil disobedience, highlighting the urgency of mountaintop removal.

For more information go to:

Or contact:
The D.C. Area Community Mobilizer: James Ploesner at

West Virginia Contact: Andrew Munn at

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

MTP Solar Featured on Discovery Channel

Discovery developed a four part series called Powering the Future. The Mt Pleasant Solar Coop is featured in one of the segments called "Leading the Charge" .

Here is the link for the schedule.

Your co-op story is in the "Leading the Charge" episode.

Leading the Charge
World Premiere: Sunday, July 18 at 9PM on Discovery Channel
Encore Presentation: Tuesday, July 20 at 10PM on Science Channel
Special Presentation: Monday, July 26 at 10PM on Planet Green

Would love to hear what people think. I haven't seen it yet! -Anya

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Interesting Article about Solar Financing and Home Loans

DC has been considering Property Assessed Clean Energy (known as PACE loans) that allow the cost of solar panels to be put onto real property taxes.  This is a way to bring the costs into reach for lower income families and also promotes solar for people that may not stay in their homes long enough to fully recoup the costs.  This NY Times article discusses issues that are cropping up between PACE loans and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgages.

Article link

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Solar Works!

Thought I would share the excitement of one of the Mt Pleasant Solar Coop members who went solar last year!

Subject: Anne's electric bill for May - solar works


KWH 2009: 1130

KWH 2010: 367

I have cut my electric use this month by 67%.

The devil will be in the hot, hot months of July and August. Plus, my
new tenant uses his AC much more than my last tenant. Still, down 67%
for May is pretty cool.

This is very exciting.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Recent news regarding Renewable Energy Incentive Program

Councilmember Tommy Wells provided an update to us regarding the ongoing budget situation with the renewable energy program.  It appears that the 2011 funding will be restored by to the full $2 million.  To read more of the council report on other related topics, use the link below.  Please post comments if you have other new information.

Summarized Version

Full Version of Committee Report

Capitol Hill Energy Solar Tour

The Capitol Hill Energy Co-op is now planning its Solar and Sustainable Home Tour which will be held on October 16th.  We are looking for volunteers, sponsors, and homeowners that would like to showcase their projects.

To find out more about the Tour, please go to  The website has a volunteer sign up form.

Sponsorship information is available at this link

Monday, May 3, 2010

City Paper covers the Budget Situation

Washington City Paper Covers the Mayors Proposed Budget Cuts!

My testimony at the hearing last week focused on the violation of public trust. How can the Council set up these special funds, fees, or taxes and get public approval because the funds go to a special purpose--clean up the Anacostia, renewable energy, Children's health.. And then turn around and move the money any which way. CM Cheh, called it a shell game and she was right.

Please call the Mayor and your Council member and tell them to restore funding to DC enviromental programs.

Friday, April 30, 2010

DC Council Budget Hearing on Renewable Energy Cuts

At the DC Council Hearing today, I will provide testimony indicating that the demand for solar rebates appears to be growing at an 85% clip.  Projecting that out over four years (2009-2012) will put the demand for rebates at almost 1,800 residents.  This projects to a total demand for solar of $20 million over the four years.  DC originally allocated $8 million and are trying to take $2.3 million away (by using 2009 and 2011 money for other purposes).  This means that about 1,200 people will not get rebates, and that installations will come to a grinding halt by the middle of 2011.  I've posted some charts and graphs over on the Capitol Hill Energy Coop page at  Help us let the Council know that we need to grow this program out, not kill it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Good News and Bad News!

First the good news. Another new solar coop is forming--in Petworth! I spoke at their first organizational meeting yesterday! It seems to be a great group. They have started a listserve for petworth so please pass the word on to others.

Bad News! Right after we thought we won (or were winning) the battle to make sure the DC Solar program stays funded. The Mayor comes out with a new proposed budget for 2011! That cuts half the money from solar and guts the Sustainable Energy Utility which is the organization the DC Council created to manage future renewable and efficiency programs in the City. So PLEASE email your council member -- sign up to testify!

Write to the Mayor and the DC Council -- and tell them to disapprove the proposed cuts to the Sustainable Energy Trust Fund in the Mayor’s FY ’11 Supplemental Budget. Please write your own message or cut and paste the message below!

My name is _______________________. I am a member of (______ Solar Coop or other). I am extremely disappointed that the Mayor’s current proposed budget for 2011 removes $13 million -- about 60% from programs designed to promote green energy and green jobs. We need to build an energy future. Not be held back by the past! Of the $2 million statutorily allocated for the Renewable Energy Incentive Program, only about half remains or $1.1 million.

Testify against the cuts to the SETF at the Budget Hearings on April 30, 2010, beginning at 10:00 a.m. in Room 500 at 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.; to do this, contact Aukima Benjamin of Councilmember Cheh’s office at 202.724.4902 and ask to be listed as a public witness to testify at the Budget Hearings that will be held on DDoE’s budget on April 30, 2010.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Waiting for the DC Solar Energy Rebate Check?

I just got my approval letter tonight at about 8:30pm (I hope they are paying Emil King overtime.).  It says I will get a check within 30 days of signing the letter.    I've heard from others that many approval letters went out today, so hopefully DDOE is cutting into their backlog.  If you got an approval today, please post a comment.   I am on the 2009 waiting list.  Did anyone on the 2010 waiting list get an approval letter?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

First day generating power - Project Pics and Info

Late yesterday, my new 4.4 kW system was connected to my electrical box.  This morning, I was happy to see my meter spinning backwards.  Please see attached link for pictures and more info.  I will eventually be posting more information about the pepco meter installation, rebate check, and monitoring data in the comments to this post.  The system was installed by Solar Solution, LLC.  It took one day for framing/prep, one day to install the panels, and half a day for the electrical work.  Click Here for Photo Gallery and feel free to leave comments or questions.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

NEW Solar Coop Forming Palisades! Pls Pass the Word

Dear interested person,
The recent sunny, hot days make me wish I was already an 'energy
entrepreneur' with solar panels on my roof. With the generous D.C.
program, federal tax credit, and the opportunity to band together for
some group discounts, that goal seems affordable right now.
There will be an initial organizational and informational meeting of the
Palisades Solar Energy Coop (I hesitate to capitalize the last three words
before we really have a group!) on Thursday evening, April 29th, at 7 pm.
I reserved the upstairs meeting room at our neighborhood library on V Street.
I'm inviting Ms. Cheh or a representative from her City Council office
to give us any updates on the Renewable Energy Incentive Program.
I'm also asking our friends at the Mt. Pleasant Solar Coop, who have led
the way for us, to attend and share 'lessons learned' from their start-up and
subsequent successes of recent years.
I welcome your thoughts. If you have expertise on the technology or on
the details of organizing ourselves, please share those with me. See you
on the 29th!

Steve Waller
Washington, DC 20007

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Climate Event--April 15th

I thought this CCAN event might be of interest to many of you. I am looking forward to the event, especially the reception before hand.

The Chesapeake Climate Action Network is honored to host international climate leader Bill McKibben as he begins a national tour for his newest book, Eaarth: Making A Life On A Tough New Planet.

Reviews of Eaarth, including Alan Weisman's on the right, hint at what we can expect to hear from Bill on the evening of April 15th.

You won't want to miss this event! Join us at Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington, DC on April 15th at 7:30 PM:

In addition to Bill McKibben, you'll also have the chance to hear from Jeff Biggers, a leader in the fight to end mountaintop removal coal mining, and CCAN director and author Mike Tidwell.

Just $10 for students. $15 for everyone else.

You will have the opportunity to purchase copies of Bill McKibben's Eaarth, Jeff Biggers' new book Reckoning at Eagle Creek: The Secret Legacy of Coal in the Heartland and Mike Tidwell's Bayou Farewell: The Rich Life and Tragic Death of Lousiana's Cajun Coast. Plus, the authors will stick around after to program to sign their books.

I'm also pleased to announce that Lissy Rosemont of the Junior League Band will perform. Lissy has been referred to as one of the "most promising up and coming vocalists on the Americana scene." Check out one of her songs.

Purchase tickets at

Finally, please also consider joining us for a special reception with the authors themselves catered by Nora Pouillon of Restaurant Nora, America's first certified organic restaurant. The reception will take place from 6:00 - 7:00 PM and space is extremely limited.

Get details and purchase tickets at

Heads up! New Process for Solar Rebates

Thought this note might be of interest to some. Not exactly sure what it means.

From: King, Emil (DDOE)
Subject: RE: Of Interest -- new procedure for me with green energy office
To: "anya schoolman"

Date: Monday, April 5, 2010, 9:58 AM

Hello Anya,

The new process will be clearly outlined on the website shortly, as will an updated waiting list. Notification emails are now the method by which we communicate reservation numbers and request a full application. This is only after funds are proven to be available for the project. Note that some of your members are very close to that point.

The new “approval letter” comes after full review and approval of the application and rebate request; it is the very last stage before payment. That letter is then signed and returned to DDOE. The change to this approach eliminates a host of problems with last year’s letter, back-and-forth communication, etc. Apologies for any confusion.


Emil King

Policy Analyst

Office of Policy and Sustainability

District Department of the Environment

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Community Rallies For Improvements to DC Solar Rebate Program

At the DC Council Roundtable meeting on the Renewable Energy Incentive Program, there were more than 50 attendees - from homeowners, to installers, to solar REC aggregators.  Many members of the Mt Pleasant and Capitol Hill Cooperatives presented information about their frustrations with DDOE's handling of the program - lost paperwork, failure to get rebate checks on time, and confusing paperwork.  While I was not able to stay for the portion of the meeting where Mary Cheh, Jim Graham and Tommy Wells heard DDOE's side of the story, I'm told that their were three main take away messages. 1) Mary Cheh ensured that she would make sure the "unspent" 2009 funds that should have been allocated to the 2009 waiting list will be restored to the program.  This is important because there may be up to $4 million in requested funds from 2010 applicants, so the extra $1 million to $1.5 million in leftover 2009 money can help ensure that new 2010 applicants can be paid this year. 2) DDOE apparently has promised to get 2 new full time hires on board by the end of April to actually administer the program.  3) That DDOE will provide Mary Cheh with a detailed progress report within 2 weeks, and will be providing monthly updates to the Council -- which we hope will also be made public.  Were you at the hearing?  Please comment with other perspectives.   Testimony provided for the hearing is posted here

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Have you had problems with the DC Renewable Energy Rebate Program?

If so, please feel free to reply to this post with issues you have had, and we will try to outline these problems at the upcoming Roundtable meeting (see previous post).

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hearing on DC Solar Rebates! Tuesday March 30th

I have pasted the notice here. It is really important that people come and share their experiences, and or hopes and desires for the program. The DC Council needs to know that the public cares about this program!

Notice of Public Oversight Roundtable

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20004



Announces a Public Oversight Roundtable on

Implementation of the Renewable Energy Incentive Program

March 30, 2010

11:00 am

Room 412

John A. Wilson Building

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

On Tuesday, March 30, 2010, Councilmember Mary M. Cheh, Chairperson of the Committee on Government Operations and the Environment, will hold a public oversight roundtable on the implementation of the Renewable Energy Incentive Program (REIP). The REIP was established by section 209 of the Clean and Affordable Energy Act of 2008 in order to provide rebates to owners of new renewable energy generation systems in the District. The purpose of the roundtable is to examine the implementation of the REIP and to determine whether any legislative or other reforms to the program are necessary. The public oversight roundtable will begin at 11:00 a.m. in Room 412 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Anyone wishing to testify at the hearing should contact Aukima Benjamin, Staff Assistant to the Committee on Government Operations and the Environment, at 724-8062, or via e-mail at Witnesses should bring 10 copies of their written testimony and submit a copy of their testimony electronically to Representatives of organizations will be allowed a maximum of five (5) minutes for oral presentation, and individuals will be allowed a maximum of three (3) minutes for oral presentation.

If you are unable to testify at the hearing, written statements are encouraged and will be made a part of the official record. Copies of written statements should be submitted either to the Committee on Government Operations and the Environment, or to Ms. Cynthia Brock-Smith, Secretary to the Council, Room 5 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004. The record will close at the end of the business day on April 13, 2010.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Welcome to solarDC Blog

The Capitol Hill Energy Cooperative is bringing people together to exchange ideas about energy efficiency and renewable energy.  We are working with the Mt Pleasant Coop, and I'm glad to report that Anya Schoolman will be joining me in running this blog.  In particular, we will focus on efforts to solar energy to Washington DC -- and we hope that others will decide to form neighborhood co-ops to spread the word.   Here is some basic info about the Capitol Hill Co-op....

The good news...

-- three of our 170 (and growing list) of members have completed their installations.  Some pictures are posted on the bottom right area of the blog.

-- the project for my house will start in a few weeks (so I thought it might be a good time to begin blogging).

-- you can get enough government rebates to completely pay for your system.

The bad news...

-- although DC has a $2 million per year rebate program, the DC Department of Environment is not staffing the program in a way that allows it to administer the funding.

-- this could mean that DC applicants requesting rebates do not receive rebates, or if they are received, the disbursement is not timely.

We are working with the Mt Pleasant Co-op to request a meeting with the City Council and DDOE officials so we can get assurances that the project will be administered properly.

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